Ever wondered what goes on inside an Amazon union-busting meeting? Workers at Amazon fulfillment centers have shared exclusive recordings, revealing the company’s dirty tricks and how they’re trying to stifle unionization efforts.
During these captive audience meetings, Amazon bosses resort to fear-mongering and misinformation, painting unions as costly and ineffective. They try to convince workers that their jobs and benefits are at risk if they unionize. However, workers are fighting back, disrupting these meetings, challenging the company’s claims, and highlighting the real issues they face, like low wages, unfair scheduling, and unsafe working conditions.
By exposing these tactics and taking control of the narrative, workers can turn these meetings into opportunities to strengthen their union drive and build solidarity. Remember, the only way to truly improve working conditions is by organizing and collectively bargaining.
On November 12 of 2024, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled that mandatory meetings in which employees are forced to listen to employer diatribes concerning their labor rights are unlawful. Read our analysis here.