
Informational Resources

You’ve read about your right to start, join, or support a union in your workplace. You’ve also read about how to start a union and get in contact with a union organizer. Great! But guess what? We have even more resources for you to access.


Union-Buster Tracker

LaborLab’s Union-Busting Tracker tracks anti-union “persuader” consultants across the United States. We...


5 Common Union-Busting Tactics

“Union busting is a field populated by bullies and built on...


How to File an Unfair Labor Practice Charge

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and Federal Service Labor Management...


Is Your Employer Violating Your Right to Organize? What You Need to Know

Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) is a labor law enforced by the...


How to Start a Union the Right Way

So you and some of your coworkers have talked about how...


A Simple Guide to Protected Concerted Activity

Many workers are concerned that banding together to improve labor conditions...


Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act—Protecting Your Labor Rights

Knowing your rights in the workplace is essential to prevent exploitation...


Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act—Why it’s Important to You

There are lots of reasons why employees would want to organize...


The Right to Unionize

The right to join together in unions is protected by the...


Your right to unionize is protected by the U.S. Constitution

The right to unionize your workplace isn’t just protected by the National...


What it means to unionize

Do you believe you deserve to be treated with respect and...

Other Resources

LaborLab Downloads

Your Right to Unionize | Flyer

NLRA Enforcement

If you believe your NLRA rights have been violated, you should contact the NLRB.
How to File a Charge Against Your Employer With the National Labor Relations Board

More Legal Resources

Workplace Fairness
Workplace Fairness is a great legal resource for workers and can help connect you with legal professionals.

Legal Aid at Work
Legal Aid At Work helps low-income people exercise and advance their workplace rights.

National Lawyers Guild
The National Lawyers Guild’s mission is to use law as an effective force in the service of the people by valuing human rights and the rights of ecosystems over property interests.

Civil Liberties Defense Center
The Civil Liberties Defense Center supports movements that seek to dismantle the economic structures at the root of social inequality.

Support LaborLab's Work Empowering Workers and Exposing Union-Busters

Unions are gaining traction across the United States, but so are their opponents. We’re taking on big union-busting corporations, and helping workers exercising their right to unionize and fight for a better workplace.

Make a tax-deductible donation today to LaborLab and help us continue the work to expose union-busting and support union workers.